Winter Fishing in Oscoda

Winter Fishing in Oscoda

Winter Fishing in Oscoda In Oscoda, we fish in all 4 seasons of the year. With access to the open water of the majestic Au Sable River and plenty of inland lakes for ice fishing, winter is no exception. Whether you chose to cast on the river or prefer to drop a line...
To the Moon & Back

To the Moon & Back

‘A beautiful journey’ at To the Moon and Back in Oscoda Visitors interested in exploring their spirituality in 2025 will benefit from a trip, or several, to To the Moon and Back at 119 State St. in Oscoda. The women-led business, owned by Elena MacKenzie...
The Lake Theater

The Lake Theater

The Lake Theatre: A decades-old jewel rescued and revamped There are many things to love about Oscoda, but one of downtown’s crown jewels is The Lake Theatre. The Lake has been around since the 1940s — but there was a time, not so long ago, when the...
Peaceful Retreat

Peaceful Retreat

As the end of the year and the busy holiday season approaches, we need to remember to find some time for ourselves, away from the rush, to clear our heads, and take a breath. Somewhere we can watch the sunrise over the water as the waves lap the shoreline, spend an...