Annual Iosco County Family Fun Fair coming in April
Day-trippers may find Saturday, April 12, a particularly good day to visit Oscoda, as the local Rotary Club hosts its annual Iosco County Family Fun Fair.
The fair connects residents of Iosco with community resources in a fun way. The event runs 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Oscoda High School — leaving plenty of time to visit downtown shops or try the Au Sable Inn, From Huron Out or another local restaurant for dinner.
There’s no admission fee required, and free lunch is provided. There’s also free open swim, characters, activities and temporary tattoos for kiddos.
“This will be my fourth year participating in the Iosco County Family Fun Fair since joining Rotary,” said volunteer Shannone Bondie, a resident of Oscoda.
“Each year, it’s heartwarming to see families connected with all of the resources our community has to offer. Many people don’t realize how much help is available for their family — and it doesn’t matter whether they live directly in Oscoda or are visiting from across the county. It’s also good, family fun.”
The main draw of the Family Fun Fair is over 60 community service organizations, including the AuSable Valley CMH, the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency, Early On and FISH Inc. Food Banks — all prepared to share resources and connect with region residents.
The event has been around for 23 years, and saw more than 1,100 attendees in 2024. It’s organized by the Rotary Club of Oscoda, the local chapter of an international organization also responsible for a warming corner at downtown’s Pocket Park, free hot cider and donuts at the Northern Lights Christmas Parade, and summer concerts at Oscoda Beach Park.
The chapter consists of community leaders and volunteers.
“We feel (the Family Fun Fair) is one of our most important events,” said Oscoda Rotary President Cheri Meier. “Rotary’s mission is service above self, and we truly believe that we are exposing so many people in our community to a multitude of service organizations — and that hopefully everyone that visits finds at least one thing that will be of value to them.”