by Suzanne Wdowik | Jan 6, 2021 | Cuture, Explore, Family, Summer, Trails, Uncategorized
by Suzanne Wdowik I’ve lived in a few different cities throughout Michigan. Each has its own quirks and its own charm. But when I want a city with personality, a place with a community that cares, a beautiful lake-side town with beaches and trails and history, I come...
by Suzanne Wdowik | Jan 6, 2021 | Cuture, Explore, Family, Spring, Summer, Trails, Uncategorized, Water
by Suzanne Wdowik The weird year that is 2020 finally draws to a close, and we’re excited to see what the new year brings. At the same time, we’re looking back at all the wonderful things that happened in Oscoda this year! 1. MOVIES NIGHTS AT THE PIER An Oscoda...